Reiki Healing

Reiki healing reconnects you to your internal guidance so that you can shift your challenging patterns with ease and experience lasting transformation .

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Healing for your
 relationships - Career - health - personal expression

Not so long ago, I was living life as a very different person.

It kind of felt like life was just...happening to me.

I was along for the ride--playing out the version of me I thought everyone around me wanted and expected.

I was low on self esteem and not in touch with who I really was and what I actually desired for my life.

Patterns can be challenging to shift...

Maybe you're reading this and it's painfully relatable.
Or maybe for you it's something else.

Your partner says something ambiguous, and the anxious thoughts roll in like waves...

You feel stuck in self-sabotage by doom scrolling when you really want to be working on your business or taking steps to pursue a new career...

You've been dealing with an ongoing injury or health condition. All of your tests are coming back "normal" and your doctors aren't sure what else to do for you.

Or maybe you have this feeling that something is
You can't seem to put a finger on it, but it's starting to seep into every aspect of your life.

This was my conditioned way of being, the pattern of thoughts, behaviors and identity I'd learned was the most acceptable.

If you've been...

  • Noticing a repeating external pattern or patterns in your emotions, career, health and relationships

  • Going to talk therapy or working with other coaches but still feel stuck when it comes to translating awareness into change

  • Sensing that there is a deeper layer of healing available that can shift these patterns from their core

You're likely experiencing an energetic block.

Everything in the universe is made up of energy - including your body.

Life force energy, known as Ki, is the energy that flows throughout the tissues, organs, and energy centers in and around our bodies, keeping us alive.

When Ki is flowing freely, we are healthy, connected to our true nature, and speak and act without fear.

Unprocessed emotions, repeated negative thoughts, and unhelpful beliefs about ourselves and the world can all block or stagnate the flow of Ki and show up as patterns of mental unease, dysfunctional habits, and physical illness.

When you release these blockages,
 you shift the root cause of the unhelpful patterns in your life

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Medications only mask the symptoms and talk therapies teach you to try to understand them through the mind.

Although these methods can be helpful in some stages of healing, over time you can become dependent on them to feel okay because...

They don't actually give you the tools you need to release the underlying energy blockages where they are stored - in your body.

In order to create lasting changes in your life, you need to allow Life Force energy to somatically dissolve the energetic blockages stored in your tissues, organs, and chakras.

IN Western medicine, there is an over-emphasis on treating the symptoms of these blockages

In a Reiki healing session, Reiki life force energy is channeled and, through its own intelligence, directed to the source of your energetic blockages.

The essence of Reiki is love.

It dissolves those blockages and replaces them with with free flowing, loving energy.

This is exactly what Reiki does

Reiki healing will help you...

  • Shift the root cause of your patterns to experience lasting transformation

  • Navigate challenges in your relationships, personal growth, career, and health with a deeper sense of presence and ease

  • Activate and connect with the healing power already inside of you to source your peace, guidance, and healing from WITHIN

When your Ki is flowing, you embody the truth of who and what you are.

From this place, you no longer have to try to constantly figure out and change your life through your mind.

From this place, Loving energy flows through you.

You're able to notice when a pattern is arising and receive clear inner guidance on how to shift that pattern with EASE.

I saw Amanda for a Reiki session after feeling stuck in my emotions for so long and unsure of what to do to get them flowing. She gave insight into the chakra areas of mine which were blocked, and we discussed ways I could work on them.  I left the session feeling uplifted, relaxed, and balanced.
- Tehya I.

Her words and the session has allowed me to remember to be gentler with myself...

I was feeling unbalanced, low energy, and stressed through the motions of daily life. Amanda's ability to act as a conduit to Universal Powers has imbued me with positive energy. Reiki with Amanda is truly an uplifting experience for the mind and body.
 - Randinho R.

Amanda's healing sessions have opened a new door to improving my health and energy...

I believe anyone who goes to Amanda will have gratitude afterwards and new insights on what it means to be balanced not only mentally, physically, and emotionally, but especially spiritually.
- First name LI.

Her words after our session resonated with me to an effect that read the challenges I face without me telling her through voice...

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Ready to experience the powerul healing of Reiki for yourself?

Two ways to receive...

Reiki Healing & Integration Session

Virtual or in-person session in Winnipeg, MB

Pre-session Discussion
When we meet, you'll share what your intentions are for the Reiki session and what challenges or patterns you'd most like to focus on.

Session - 60 minutes
You'll lay down on your bed or on my Reiki table (if in person). I'll start the session by inviting you into a relaxed or meditative state and say a silent prayer for our work together. 
From there, I'll place my hands over the areas of your body, either touching or hovering, corresponding to the challenges we discussed and channel the Reiki to these areas.

After the session, you'll have a few minutes to rest and collect yourself. Then, I'll ask you to share what you experienced during the session. I'll also share what I sensed about the specific energetic blocks I found and offer actionable steps you can take to continue clearing and healing the pattern after the session.

Investment - $80 / session

Holy Fire®️ Reiki Meditation Experience

Virtual or in-person session in Winnipeg, MB

Pre-session Discussion
When we meet, you'll share what your intentions are for the Reiki experience and what challenges or patterns you'd most like to focus on.

Guided Meditation & Experience - 30 min
You'll lay down on your bed or on my Reiki table (if in person). I'll start the session by inviting you into a relaxed or meditative state. I'll lead you through a guided meditation that will place you in a receptive state for the Reiki energy to provide the healing experience. 

After I'm finished with the meditation, there will be 20 minutes of silence for the experinece. During this time, the Reiki will be working with you directly. You may have inner visions of colors, healing energy, or spiritual guides. Whatever you experience, it will be meaningful and continue to benefit you after the experience.

Investment - $40 / session

Add to a Reiki Healing & Integration Session
A Reiki meditation experience can be added to the start of a healing and integration session to increase the effectiveness of the session

Add-on Investment - $25 / session

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I'm a  certified Holy Fire®️ III Karuna Reiki®️ Master with the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) and a registered nurse in cardiac medicine.

My goal is that every one of my clients experiences what it's like to live in harmony with your heart.

The heart is your connection with Love. Love connects us, heals us, and guides us to know and live in alignment with our authentic selves.

Love is Life Force, and Reiki is that Life Force channeled to clear anything that is blocking our ability to give and receive love to the fullest.

Reiki has made an incredible difference in my life, and I'm so excited to channel this life-giving energy on your behalf.

Meet Your Practitioner

Hi - I'm Amanda,


Which service is right for me?
What is the benefit of working with a guide?
How is Reiki healing Different from other coaching or healing programs?
How long do the benefits of reiki last?
Although I believe every being is capable of their own healing, working with a guide is an opportunity to accelerate the process. Often, the undesirable patterns we experience in our behavior have roots in beliefs, emotions and behaviors that are happening without your conscious awareness. That's to say they are being perpetuated by your subconscious mind and result in a "blind spot" that can be challenging to address on your own. By working together, I'm able to offer an outside perspective on your situation and through feeling the energetics present within you, offer you practices you can use to gain deeper awareness of your patterns and embody a state that is connected to love and ease.
Reiki healing is a powerful, yet non-invasive approach to healing. Unlike other coaching or healing programs that have a structured methodology to follow, receiving Reiki allows the infinite intelligence of Life Force energy to direct your healing process. As your guide, I simply facilitate this process and hold a calm, non-judgmental space for you to receive and reconnect with the wisdom that already resides in your heart.
Both a Reiki Healing & Integration session and the Reiki Meditation Experience will be beneficial to all people that are seeking to shift unhelpful patterns in their life. The meditation experience can be a helpful introduction to working with Reiki energy for someone who is new to Reiki healing or desires a shorter session. The meditation experience can also be added before a full healing session to deepen its effectiveness by guiding you into a more relaxed and receptive state.
Although the immediate state of deep relaxation may lessen in the hours and days following a Reiki session, the ongoing benefits of Reiki will assist you in the long-term transformation of your life. The clarity and ease provided by the Reiki will help you apply the practices I'll recommend the end of a session. With consistency, you'll find that you are showing up to your life now from a place that is more in touch with truth and love rather than confusion and fear.

That being said, I usually recommend clients that are new to Reiki healing receive one session per month for clearing and nourishment from Reiki until they are able to fully shift the pattern in their lives.

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